SMITH DFI is a highly experienced provider of advanced computer forensic services and litigation support for Northern California, based out of the San Francisco Bay Area.  With extensive experience in civil and criminal investigations, SMITH DFI provides detailed, results driven, forensic analysis and reporting, litigation support and expert witness testimony.  Leveraging the use of sophisticated forensic technologies, expertise and best practices, SMITH DFI provides a full range of computer forensic consulting services to all levels of business and legal industries.  With over a decade of direct experience in fast-paced corporate forensics, you can rely on SMITH DFI to handle your most sensitive matters.  Many consulting firms charge you premium rates while using less experienced resources or sub-contractors to perform that actual work without your knowledge.  This type of practice is widespread and most likely will adversely affect your legal matter when the evidence or findings are challenged.  With SMITH DFI, you will be working hand-in-hand with the top examiner performing the work.  You will never have to deal with numerous employees, nor any sales representatives and will always deal directly with individual responsible for your case.

Professional Association Membership:

InfraGuard – FBI Alliance

HTCIA - High Technology Crime Investigation Association

ACFE - Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

Our experts are trained in:

  1. Advanced Windows Forensics

  2. Advanced Internet Investigations & Forensic Analysis

  3. OSX Forensics

  4. Mobile Device Forensics

Professional Certifications & Licenses:

  1. EnCE - Encase Certified Examiner

  2. CCPA - Certified Cellebrite Certified Analyst

  3. Private Investigator - Texas DPS (Lic. #: 72696601)

Location Experience:

  1. Unites States (Multi-State)

  2. China

  3. Malaysia

  4. Singapore